Dont Look 2017 Tour and book release is being held Saturday, August 19 at The Resort at Pelican Hill

LEAP, Don't Look 2017 Tour Premier, the experience, the coast, the beauty of the world's finest FIVE-STAR, FIVE-DIAMOND destinations, offering unparalled service and luxury mini confernece and luncheon at The Resort at Pelican Hill, Newport Beach. Debra D Jones, Melissa Ruth, Regina Christine Crayton and Greg Walker - The Big Dreamer, the astounding orators of this power packed, hands-on day of immersion conference will definetly aid in your mindset journey from employee to entreprenuer, while encouraging you to move forward in executing your passions and dreams into realitiy and self-acceptance of your unique reason why. You have put off starting your business, jumping into what you really and truly love long enough and now it the time that you take a positive LEAP into your life by design.
Contact Info:
Regina Crayton
CEO GINA'S Cuisine Cakes,Cookies & Cupcakes
Instagram -Ginascupcakes
Twitter - Ginascupcake ( no s )
Facebook - GINA'S Cuisine