ATLANTA, GA--) AK Reed Films and Entrepreneur ENT present the D ecember 11, 2016 premier screening of PURE based on author Duece King’s novel of the same name. P URE is a multi-part web series filmed on the streets of Buffalo, New York using novice actors from the community in which they were born and bread. Duece King penned the novice which brought the characters to life for Director AK Reed.
Duece King’s portrayal of urban life from the lens of the Buffalo neighborhood in which he was raised transcends geographic location, instead the characters, the plot, and the reality they all face is universal. AK Reed has artfully crafted the visual for a tale of passion, violence, greed, revenge, and love. Together they have produced two high quality episodes featuring actors who understand the motivation of the characters best, because they live it.
PURE is more than an urban tale, it has become a positive force for change in the lives of individuals and communities. Duece King now travels the country selling books, spreading hope and inspiration in places where he used to promote street life. Businesses and careers have been birthed as a result of participation in this inspirational film project. P URE i s a diamond in the rough, and a gift that gives back.

Parts One and Two of the PURE Series will be screened at the La Font Theater ( 5920 Roswell Road, Atlanta, GA 30328.) o n Sun day December 11, 2016. Doors open at 7pm. The screening will begin at 8pm. Tickets are available on Eventbrite (search The Pure Series) and by using the link B it.ly/PureMovieAtlanta