Divas & Dolls Charity
#GivingBack The Nikki Rich Show Hollywood's Ms. Nikki Rich is honored to be apart of Divas & Dolls! We love giving back to our communities and you can too!! Tune in 12.14.16 to hear more at THENIKKIRICHSHOW.COM special guest Tyressa Ty

3rd Year, 7 States, 11 Cities...& 15 Diva's!!!!
It's a wonderful thing when intelligent, talented, beautiful women can come together...GIVE back & make an IMPACT!!! Please join Me & 14 Fiyah Divas, as we spread hope, joy, healing, love & laughter to little girls around the world !!! Our goal is to save OUR babies" ... To show our girls that WE are here, WE care, black is beautiful, & that ALL Girls ROCK!!! Please join the movement & support a FEW amazing female entrepreneurs, by dropping off a doll at one of the several locations listed (individually ) by 12/18. We will schedule visits/drops to shelters & hospitals spreading holiday cheer in each perspective city! We will also mail dolls worldwide to needed families!!!!
We believe that EVERY little girl, around the world, deserves a doll for Christmas...it's a girls 1st - BEST FRIEND!
Thanks TyressaTy & Fiyah Friends!!! Sponsored By- Upward Bound TRIO PROGRAM at BRCC.
Darica Simon- Director ☆ All financial donations can be made to TyressaTy@gmail.com
#TyressaTyGiveBackProject #IamMysistersKeeper #Beverlyhills #CA #TV #NikkiRichshow #artist #Producer, #blogs, #broadcasting #PR, #Managers, #Expo #Business #NewYork #Bloggers #entrepreneur #radiohost #florida #tv #NewYork #LA #LosAngeles #Canada #california #london #Marketing #Media